SCAN - Suspected Child Abuse and Neglect Clinic
Abuse / Neglect, Child Services, Family / Parenting, and Victim Services
Provided by Interior Health
Service is offered to all children and communities within the Interior Health geographical region.
Clinic Services include:
- Medical Examination
- Psychological Assessment
- Nursing Services
- Social Work Services
- Medical/ Legal Assessments
- Crisis Counselling Referrals
- Professional Consultation / Education
Referrals and Eligibility
Any child under the age of 19 years who is suspected of being the victim of non-acute (over 72 hours) child physical, sexual, and emotional abuse or neglect is eligible for referral. Referrals are received by phone, fax, or in person. Referral Sources include:
- MCFD/Child protection social workers
- Delegated Aboriginal Agencies/social workers
- All physicians/nurse practitioners, e.g., emergency or private practice
- All RCMP members
4th Floor Alumnae Tower Royal Inland Hospital - 311 Columbia Street, Kamloops, British Columbia
Service is available in English.
Cost: No cost
Referral options:
- Social Assistance Service (SAS) referral required for funding
- Physician or nurse practitioner referral
- Health professional referral
- Ministry of Children & Family Development referral
- First Nation agency referral
- RCMP referrals
Associated Programs/Services
Also offered by Interior Health:
Just the closest matches listed. Click to see more!- Reporting Adult Abuse and Neglect to Interior Health
- Vulnerable Adult Abuse and Neglect Report Line
- Hospice Services (IHA)
Service area: Interior Health Area
Service Types Provided
Ways to Access
- Provided 1:1 in-person
- Provided at a single location
The listing of this service in Pathways is not a recommendation or endorsement by Pathways.